Subtitles so good you'll need them in real life

Marstone provides high quality services for all your transcription, subtitling and dubbing projects.

What we do



You need to transcribe an interview, a podcast, or an audio or video file? Get ready to cancel some of your plans if you are going to do it on your own. Transcribing is quite tedious and can seem endless.

So let us do the work and you’ll be free to watch this movie that has been on your list for way too long.



Subtitles are a superpower to improve accessibility. And especially in the following cases:
 – to improve understandability;
 – for people watching on mute;
 – for deaf & hard of hearing people;
 – for non-native speakers.

Work with us and you’ll be able to focus on your next projects instead of adjusting timecodes during hours.



Dubbing allowed pieces like Parasite, Dark and Princess Mononoke to be acclaimed worldwide.
And yet, 99% of the content you can watch on platforms like YouTube, Instagram and TikTok is in its original version and therefore limited to an audience speaking its language.

So why not getting your content out of its comfort zone and start reaching new audiences?

Languages we are speaking

We strongly believe in quality over quantity, so our services are only available in French and English for the moment. But don’t worry we are learning new languages that will be available soon!

Martians are coming for you!

Transcribing is way too time-consuming

It usually takes 4 to 6 hours to transcribe 1 hour of audio (not to mention potential errors that will slip into the text).

Make your projects more professional

Whether you’re a content creator or a filmmaker, caring about accessibility makes your work way more serious.

Global content for global creators

Every social media platform is already global. It’s time for your content to be global too.

Sky is not the limit, Mars is

Our goal is to offer a result as close as possible to perfection. To achieve this, we combine the latest technologies (AI, deep learning, etc.) with human skills, because we are convinced that you deserve better than automated subtitles and robotic voices.

Only experienced professionals

Our partners are hand-picked and chosen for their skills, experience and reliability

100% accuracy guaranteed

Nobody’s perfect. But the least we can do if you spot a mistake is to correct it.

Always on time

There may be a 40-minute difference between a day on Earth and a day on Mars, but we hate delays as much as you do.

Request a free quote

Please fill this form to get a quote and to be able to order. Note that if you’re a creator or representating one, you should rather fill this form.